Saturday 21 November 2009

Importing the Cyberman into Unreal 3.

Over the last week I have tried to get the Cyberman working in Unreal. I did alot of research into this using the Unreal forums. There are alot of tutorials on this subject some very good some not so much. Some of the tutorials do miss alot of important information out.

In the end I managed to get him in game. initially with a few skinning problems like verteces weightted to the wrong bones etc but eventually he went in game perfectly.
The only major problem I came accross was that while looking correct in the character selection screen, his textures were corrupted once playing in game.

So back to the forums I went and found that the Unreal 3 system requires certain body parts to be textured in very specific locations on the texture page. To fix this I would have had to totally redo the texture so I decided that as a learning experience I would take what I did wrong and then apply it correctly to the next one.

So onto the next character I went and that was the Sontaran trooper.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Renders of the finished Cyberman.

Just a few images to show the finished Cyberman.

Also a few test shots of how he developed too.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Cyberman Texturing Completed.

I completed the textures and am really happy with the results.

Once again created from a mixture of overlays, an occlusion pass and hand drawing textures I achieved a very convincing texture for these metal monsters.

Monday 2 November 2009

Cybermen Unwrapped

The Cybermens Unwrap is complete and now ready to texture.