Tuesday 20 April 2010

The End is upon us.

This will probably be the last post of this blog as hand in is in a couple of weeks and I will be concentrating on getting everything finished for that.

I have had a roller coaster of a year working on my BA, both rewarding, stressfull yet totally exhilirating to have it done.

I hope that it is informative, shows good practice and is interesting for anyone who gets to read and look at the work.

I will also be able to use this experience as a guide to use for my own teaching, incorporating all I have learned into helping write the new BA Degree and applying techniques into modules and lessons.

I just want to thank everyone who has helped me along the way, that being,

Stas, Dave, Kate, Graham, Graham and Mariane. You have all been very supportive and having the faith in me working at the college and doing a BA at the same time ismuch appreciated.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Workbook almost done

I have almost completed the writing of the workbook. Its been a nice relaxing piece of writing that reflects on the year I have had and the work I have done. Its good to see what I have achieved all recorded in one place.

Not much else to discuss really.

Oh other than the dissertation is about done. just a little amendment to add to the conclusion and I am finished. Oh and Add illustrations too.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Time is coming to an end.

With hand in dates looming it is now time to start collating my work and organisig it into a cohesive and intelligent hand in.

Part of the hand in is a Model Book wich will cover the whole production side of things from start to finish. I am looking forward to this as it will be a good way of seeing how my work has developed as part of a document. I will firstly concentrate on writing it then start to illustrate it through my designs and renders that I have done over the year.

Fun fun.

Dissertation is coming along now and is focused and getting good feedback now from Kate. YAYYY.