Tuesday 9 February 2010

Naming conventions

OK. Just a quickie to make sure as you are creating your textures to name them correctly ready for import and implementation into Unreal.

Here is the information you need that I have cut and pasted from the character inplementation document found here.

"Texture setup
As mentioned your character can use up to two 2048x2048 ‘materials’. Each material is usually
made up of at least 3 ‘textures’ (Diffuse, Normal and Specular) with the option of emissive and
Specular Power (Glossiness). There are others according to your ‘baseskin’, which we will look
at soon.
You HAVE TO to name them accordingly in your package in order to get Teamskins
working. Best to name the actual files as this will save time and probably issues later with
CharacterNameHere being your character name, obviously.
Body General Diffuse - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_D01_V01_SK1
Body Blue Diffuse - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_D01_VBlue_SK1
Body Red Diffuse - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_D01_VRed_SK1
Body Normal - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_N01_V01_SK1
Body Specular - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_S01_V01_SK1
Body Emissive - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_E01_V01_SK1
Body Specular Power - CharacterNameHere_MBody01_SP01_V01_SK1
Head General Diffuse - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_D01_V01_SK1
Head Blue Diffuse - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_D01_VBlue_SK1
Head Red Diffuse - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_D01_VRed_SK1
Head Normal - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_N01_V01_SK1
Head Specular - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_S01_V01_SK1
Head Emissive - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_E01_V01_SK1
Head Specular Power - CharacterNameHere_MHead01_SP01_V01_SK1"

If you dont name your textures in this way it WILL NOT WORK in unreal.

Happy texturing.

Dean :D

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